
APE and beyond!

Hey everyone! I know its been quiet around here lately but today I've got a few things to show off and a feel things to invite you too. 

First off I've received an advance copy of "In the Shadow of Dracula" I think it turned out great and am excited for it to be in stores, you can pre-order it HERE. If you want a closer look at my insides (of the book that is) click HERE
It turned out so well that I've been working on another very similar project "In the Shadow of Sherlock Holmes". I'll show you all that stuff imminently!

It's hard to believe but its that time of the year again, APE (the Alternative Press Expo) is just around the corner next weekend. I've got some new merch in the form of pins and stickers, of course a new series of prints. Its the year of the Knight! Come find me at table 207B!

And last but by no means least I'm honored to be a part of CCA's Illustration alumni show. As you can see below the show is looking really strong and its humbling to be included in such a group. If you can please come by, it will be a great night of catching up and general camaraderie!! 

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I agree, Michael--the book turned out wonderfully! Hope to meet someday!

Les Klinger